Order YOUR Puck Tutor!!

P.T. Shooting System

The patented Puck Tutor Shooting System design has Three Systems designed to teach and develop Proper Mechanics for The Wrist and Backhand Shots, Slap Shot, and Snap Shot.

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Amazing Feature

The VertX Hockey Training System for The Wrist and Back Hand Shots.

Amazing Feature

A Slap and Snap Shot Zone designed to teach proper mechanics for the Slap and Snap Shot, and The Off-Foot Shot; and The Art of Deception in Shooting!

Amazing Feature

The Arrowed Lines for the (younger) player placed in the center of the board to further develop The Wrist and Backhand Shots promoting what is taught in the V.H.T.S.

The Shooting Systems are designed to teach Perfect Technique for the Perfect Shot with Laser-Like Accuracy!

The Tutorial Videos teach and break down Proper Shot Mechanics in a Step-by-Step format for the student to follow, understand, train, and practice the mechanics of how to shoot while Shooting in Stride!


VertX Hockey Training System

The V.H.T.S is designed and engineered to teach and place a player at all levels into a proper athletic posture when shooting, i.e., the FWD Press Hockey Stance applied to The Wrist and Backhand Shots.  The written text on the board educates the player to understand how to develop The Four Phases of the Wrist and Backhand Shot Mechanics:

  1. Load Up Phase
  2. Sweeping Phase
    (which is the Lateral Weight Transfer)
  3. Release Point Phase
  4. Trajectory Phase

Slap/Snap Shot Zone


Designed to teach and simulate the motion of performing Proper Slap and Snap Shot techniques to enhance mechanics of Shooting in Stride. All steps are broken down in the Tutorial Videos for a player to study and learn proper techniques versus improper techniques. Included in this section of teaching and training are:

Biomechanics Developed and Connected